Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Everything has a beginning...

Where to begin? Life has a way of throwing things my way - God must think he's awfully funny about now! I just got back from the NCCL Conference in Dearborn, Michigan. Had planned to hear a variety of presentations, but somehow I found myself drawn to more of the technology sessions than I had originally scheduled. Heard several presenters talk about blogging and thought - well, maybe. This afternoon, we had a local (previously scheduled) tech and ministry workshop... and in a few minutes I had created this blog. So, I might as well use it!

While I am not unique in this, I believe that I have been led through a variety of experiences for a particular purpose - and that is, as a person who has ministered in both liturgy and catechesis, I bring a perspective that favors neither one nor the other, but rather, often has given them an opportunity to come together. In this space, I will be sharing thoughts, resources, ideas and asking for your input. Come and journey with me!

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