Sunday, July 11, 2010

My 100th Post - Blogging Renaissance

This is my 100th post. To the small audience of followers (and lurkers who may follow in a feed reader or through the Facebook connection) thanks for reading!  You may have noticed a small blogging renaissance over the past weeks.  July 1 marked the one-year anniversary of the day  life as I knew it came to an abrupt halt, with the death of the man I loved and had planned to marry - and all the enthusiasm and good intentions I had when I began this blogging endeavor got derailed as my brain literally locked up due to the grieving process. Recovery to any kind of normalcy, to any kind of enthusiasm for life or clarity of thought has been a slow, painful process.

While I now know that one never really gets over the loss of someone so close, I have finally begun to recover a sense of who I am as a lay minister in the church and a writer. I find I have recovered, finally, the sense of inspiration that led me to start this blog.  In fact, I was writing in my sleep this morning. A strong cogent sentence woke me up this morning:  "Can you reformat reality by changing the lens through which you look at the world?"  Hmm, maybe.

Thanks, everyone, for bearing with me. I hope to provide increasingly more insightful posts for your reading pleasure!